Happy Chinese New Year.
Cambodia put on a spectacular New year celebration this year, lots of floats, music, dancing, and fireworks. It was wonderful and the streets were packed with people from all over the world celebrating the start of 2025.
Every two years ladies from Sydney Australia come and do two weekend retreats for christian ladies who work for NGOs within Cambodia. This was the year for them to come and Sokheng and I were invited again to attend. It is such a wonderful blessing to spend time with other Christian woman, to be pampered and have time to spend quality time with Jesus. We had workshops, soaking prayer, a time of sharing, and a time to relax. It was also lovely to see around half of the attendees were Khmer, such a blessing to worship with our Khmer sisters.
Mid-January, Valerie from Newtonstewart, Scotland came out to join us for 10 weeks. She was a nursery nurse, a nursery teacher and a foster carer. At 80 years old, she has the energy of a young girl and is fitting in well with our babies and staff. Please pray for her as she spends time giving her knowledge and wisdom to help us improve our service to those we serve. We are sure she will return to Scotland will lots of tales of her time here and what she saw in the Kingdom of Wonder.
Mark and I are getting ready for the auditors to come in and overview our accounting records for 2024. We are praying that everything will go smoothly as usual and not to be time consuming.
We also went to the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) to receive and have the signing ceremony for our Memorandum of Understanding, publicly recognising our approval and linking to them. It is a big occasion with a lot of High-ranking Officials at which Sokheng had to make a speech, she did a tremendous job at representing the Organization.
The father of one of our staff members had a horrific accident when a disc saw he was using flew off and lodged in his face. We prayed that Jesus would work a miracle and save his sight and that he would have no pain. His daughter told us the first thing he said to her was; “I have no pain”. Jesus did work a miracle and saved his sight too. We went to pray for him went he got home and although he has stitches, he looks good.
We are praising God for his faithfulness and love that he is bestowing on this village and our children. Please continue to pray for the people who live here .
Good news! Our staff member, Sokha, has given birth to a healthy baby girl. Sokha is now resting as her labour was long, but we praise Jesus that they are both well. Sokheng and I are itching to get to hold her.
A note for your diary – those of you living in Northern Ireland.
In Willowfield Church Hall a Zumbathon is being run to raise funds for us. Saturday 26th April at 1pm.
There will be lots of guest instructors so get it in your diary, it is going to be epic.
If you would like to support us via QR code, here you are:
Liz will be in Northern Ireland from 4th September. If you wish to have her speak at your church or group, contact us at info@eggshellcambodia.com
May God bless you until next time …
Liz and Mark x