Such a lot has happened since our last blog. We travelled back to Northern Ireland at the end of June and after a few days getting ourselves back into Western mode, spent time with our family and enjoyed the lovely weather, we headed down to Sligo for New Wine Ireland. It was also so good to spend time with our church family and catch up with friends we have made there over the years, a good start to our furlough home. While we were at Sligo we did a seminar “Persevering in Pursuing God’s Will”. We hope our message encouraged those who attended not to give up in perusing the vision and plan God has for their lives and for yours….
Our first grandchild was due just before we were to return to Cambodia, but he was too comfortable where he was and decided not to make an appearance while we still in Northern Ireland. We are thrilled that on 3rd August “Christian James” was born. We are so blessed that our daughter-in-law and son gave us this most precious gift and we look forward to the day we can see them as a family and to cuddle him.
We arrived back in Phnom Penh to the lovely Chris and Jenny Hart, who had arrived a few days before us. They stayed at our home and worked with us for two weeks helping us buy equipment and carry out kids’ clubs in the Village.
We really enjoyed their company, had a lot of laughs and more than a few tears as we processed the wonders of Cambodia and its people. One of the days Jenny and Liz went to buy nursery equipment and returned home with a tuk-tuk filled to the brim with tables, chairs, chalkboards and toys, you could hardly see them through all the stuff.
The local markets (four in one day!) were next to be raided as we all descended to buy yet more equipment and lastly the “plastic shop” to get lots of boxes to put the toys in.
Working at the village before kids’ club was amazing as the children decided to help us clear up the church and the area surrounding it. They took brushes, dragged trees outside and helped clear out the container which meant we got a lot cleared up in a short time. Some decided that using an old office chair made a great vehicle and they took turns doing circuits at breakneck speeds around the grounds lying across it.
Another day workmen were working on security – heightening the fencing around the church. As it was unsafe for the children to be in the grounds, we had our kids club under a few trees that was after Jenny and a helper had cleared the cow dung from the path (Jenny excelled at that job)! We all enjoyed ourselves interacting with the children, we even had a granny come and join us in our kids worship songs dancing along with us.
The first two “twinned” teddies are off to meet their new child owners – we know that they will be loved and treasured.
Chris and Jenny have just returned to Belfast; our home now has a Chris and Jenny shaped hole in it. We can’t thank them enough for all they did and look forward to them coming back, we just love their hearts for the people of Cambodia, how they are prepared to immerse themselves in all God has for them and help make a difference in this broken land.
Mark and I are having meetings around our NGO set up, recruiting staff and preparing for the opening of our Day-care. We would value your prayers that God will progress everything at the same speed as he has been – we give him all the Praise and Glory for all he has done and will do.
We are also very aware of friends’ back home who are facing struggles at this time through sickness, accidents and bereavement- although we can’t physically be with them to give them comfort, we are praying for their situations and that God will uphold and strengthen them.
We have a lovely lady – Clare Harrison coming out to us for seven weeks at the start of October. Please pray for her as she prepares to come. If you feel that a mission trip to help out here (long or short) is something you would like to do through Eggshell Cambodia, please contact us on info@eggshellcambodia.comfor more information.
We would value your prayers:
- Mark and Liz, together with Chris and Jenny Hart, had very successful Kids Clubs days out in the village, pray that they can continue to build relationships with the children outside of the day care centre and that the villagers will welcome, interact and communicate with them.
- For God to be seen through them in the village as they start our day care and people will be drawn to know more about him.
- Pray for the recruitment and selection of staff. That God will find the right people. We need a cook/cleaner from within the village, and a day care worker who can speak both English and Khmer.
- Pray for the selection of the children needing day care, that the right and most in need children are brought to our attention and offered a place.
- The day care is opening early September, please pray for the children who will be the first to be offered a place, that they settle in well and for God’s protection for them and the staff while there.
- Pray for ongoing meetings regarding setting up our NGO status within Cambodia.
- For Mark and Liz and those who work alongside them, that he strengthens and empowers them to carry out his work spreading his hope and love.
- Pray for safe travel for Clare Harrison as she joins Mark and Liz for 7 weeks at the beginning of October. That God will protect her and use her for his Kingdom while in Cambodia. For her to adjust to the culture, heat and being away from family quickly.
Eggshell Cambodia would love people to stand with us and consider making a regular monthly donation. We really need your help please consider making a regular monthly donation which will enable us for the future knowing what sustainable funds are available each month. If you would like to know more, please email us on or contact us by telephone on 0333 022 0321.
If you would like someone from Eggshell Cambodia to come and speak at your church, home group or organisation, please contact us on the website, by using the email address, or via the telephone number listed above.
Li Howie (good bye!).
Blessings to you until next time.